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Promotional Cover
We will be using the following programs: Adobe In Design CS3 and
Adobe Photoshop CS3.
We will create my Promotional Cover within Indesign and will edit
images within Photoshop.
We will be doing this to show progression in my work, ideas, technology
and skills.

                 Judah Chandra
                Muhammad Zeeshan
                Mohammed Zafraan
Making a Back Ground

   Creating a simple
    background was a
    noted priority as a
    background can
    increase or decrease
    the visibility of the
    typography and
    images thus affecting
    the end product. I paid
    close attention to the
    colours used within the
    background to ensure
    the right colour
    scheme was
    established, this to
    relate the promotional
    cover to the Magazine
    we created in the As.
Adding Sponsorship

    The Masthead and strapline was
     crucial for the targeted audience
     to identify the relationship and
     belonging of the promotional
     cover to the STREETS
     magazine. This illustrates
     progression as the magazine
     name was already established
     and was reused as I played my
     part in creating the magazine.
    We later-on added the website
     URL so the targeted audience
     who are already attracted to the
     magazine and the promotional
     cover would be able to log unto
     the website. This will further
     increase the publicity of the
     magazine and in turn increase
     the income of the magazine.
Fort Minor Logo Creation

  Using a bright background,
   colour white to catch the
   eyes of audiences.
  Created a red outlined box
   in the white box to further
   contrast the colours thus
   increasing the chances that
   the audiences will be
   attracted to the Logo.
Fort Minor Logo Creation Continued

   We used the font; Rockwell Extra Bold
    due to the thickness of typography
    illustrated through the use of the font.
    This makes the text stand out from the
    crowd to further attract the audience.
   While the Text outlining is interesting,
    the use of contrasting colours adds
    further interesting effects due to the
    contrasting colours. This effect is that
    eyes are overwhelmed by the colours
    thus will be further attracted to the
Adding the title of the
 We then added the album name -
  Fort minor changes to the right side
  in large bold font that contrasted with
  the background to catch the readers
  eye straight away. Changes was
  placed in yellow typeface with white
  outline to show a change from the
  rest of the page and therefore a
  metaphor for life with 2 meanings.
We then added the promotion, The album out 10
  October 2010 to illustrate to the reader the
  release date. The album was put in yellow font
  to eye-catch the reader so they read the text
  beneath. Out is in italic and slanted with a red
  outline to deliberately show the album release.
  Moreover, by adding the release date the reader
  can be ready to buy the album and put it in their
  planner if they are interested.
The small font shown conveys what is in the album
  with singles, and music videos, and it also
  directly links with the DVD so the reader can link
  the promotions together and therefore watch the
  music video.
Page number
We then added the page number to make
 the promotion look more professional. It
 also follows traditional codes and
 conventions of magazine as it is on Page
 2 which is normally an advert or promotion
We then added the bottom strip to give a link
 to the website so the reader can find out
 more themselves and further information
 on the band and their songs. This will
 increase the efficiency of the promotion
 and advertising of the artist within
 promotional cover
Placement of picture (1)
The main image in high key
 lighting and in top quality
 was then placed on the page
 in a mid-shot to signify
 determination and
 perseverance. The image
 adds flavour to the
 magazine which is now
 coming together
Placement of picture (2)
We then placed a box out which is
 traditionally for a text but instead
 used a picture. It becomes
 apparent that it is similar to the
 logo creation with consistent
 colours to continue with the
 house-style and therefore look
 professional. A second picture
 was placed with a close-up and a
 glare in the sunglasses to portray
 that the eyes are the reflection of
 someones soul and their
Magazine Title/strapline/website

An image of the city was then added as well as a
 circular red underline to emphasize the top
The image is that of the city and links with the
 title, Streets and this is the title placed into
 reality to help the reader engage with the
 magazine and therefore more likely to read
Final production.
From this
Final Promotional Magazine

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Promotional cover construction

  • 1. Promotional Cover We will be using the following programs: Adobe In Design CS3 and Adobe Photoshop CS3. We will create my Promotional Cover within Indesign and will edit images within Photoshop. We will be doing this to show progression in my work, ideas, technology and skills. BY Judah Chandra Muhammad Zeeshan Mohammed Zafraan
  • 2. Making a Back Ground Creating a simple background was a noted priority as a background can increase or decrease the visibility of the typography and images thus affecting the end product. I paid close attention to the colours used within the background to ensure the right colour scheme was established, this to relate the promotional cover to the Magazine we created in the As.
  • 3. Adding Sponsorship The Masthead and strapline was crucial for the targeted audience to identify the relationship and belonging of the promotional cover to the STREETS magazine. This illustrates progression as the magazine name was already established and was reused as I played my part in creating the magazine. We later-on added the website URL so the targeted audience who are already attracted to the magazine and the promotional cover would be able to log unto the website. This will further increase the publicity of the magazine and in turn increase the income of the magazine.
  • 4. Fort Minor Logo Creation Using a bright background, colour white to catch the eyes of audiences. Created a red outlined box in the white box to further contrast the colours thus increasing the chances that the audiences will be attracted to the Logo.
  • 5. Fort Minor Logo Creation Continued We used the font; Rockwell Extra Bold due to the thickness of typography illustrated through the use of the font. This makes the text stand out from the crowd to further attract the audience. While the Text outlining is interesting, the use of contrasting colours adds further interesting effects due to the contrasting colours. This effect is that eyes are overwhelmed by the colours thus will be further attracted to the magazine.
  • 6. Adding the title of the promo We then added the album name - Fort minor changes to the right side in large bold font that contrasted with the background to catch the readers eye straight away. Changes was placed in yellow typeface with white outline to show a change from the rest of the page and therefore a metaphor for life with 2 meanings.
  • 7. Coverlines We then added the promotion, The album out 10 October 2010 to illustrate to the reader the release date. The album was put in yellow font to eye-catch the reader so they read the text beneath. Out is in italic and slanted with a red outline to deliberately show the album release. Moreover, by adding the release date the reader can be ready to buy the album and put it in their planner if they are interested. The small font shown conveys what is in the album with singles, and music videos, and it also directly links with the DVD so the reader can link the promotions together and therefore watch the music video.
  • 8. Page number We then added the page number to make the promotion look more professional. It also follows traditional codes and conventions of magazine as it is on Page 2 which is normally an advert or promotion
  • 9. Website We then added the bottom strip to give a link to the website so the reader can find out more themselves and further information on the band and their songs. This will increase the efficiency of the promotion and advertising of the artist within promotional cover
  • 10. Placement of picture (1) The main image in high key lighting and in top quality was then placed on the page in a mid-shot to signify determination and perseverance. The image adds flavour to the magazine which is now coming together
  • 11. Placement of picture (2) We then placed a box out which is traditionally for a text but instead used a picture. It becomes apparent that it is similar to the logo creation with consistent colours to continue with the house-style and therefore look professional. A second picture was placed with a close-up and a glare in the sunglasses to portray that the eyes are the reflection of someones soul and their experiences.
  • 12. Magazine Title/strapline/website An image of the city was then added as well as a circular red underline to emphasize the top strip. The image is that of the city and links with the title, Streets and this is the title placed into reality to help the reader engage with the magazine and therefore more likely to read more.